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Services Provided

Which one fits you best?

Every client's needs are different, so I offer three distinct packages to help you find your best fit.


Consultation Meeting:


This includes a one hour virtual meeting to discuss what the project is, what your needs are and how I can most effectively help you to meet your goals. This is required before purchasing any of the other three packages. If after the consultation, you decide to move forward, this fee is rolled into the other packages.


Virtual Designer:


This includes a one hour virtual meeting to discuss what the project is, what your needs are and how I can most effectively help you to meet your goals. This is for the DIYer who is excited to tackle their own project but just needs a designer's eye to jump start their project. Additionally, this includes a mood board, shopping list and general floor plan for the space.

Clients are responsible for taking their own measurements and enlisting a contractor to complete the work.


Partner Designer:


This includes a one hour virtual meeting to discuss what the project is, what your needs are and how I can most effectively help you to meet your goals. Additionally, this includes a mood board, shopping list and general floor plan for the space. It also involves six coaching meetings to work through issues that arise while the actual project is taking place and to support you as needed. This provides support for a client along the way as they project manage their own project. Client is responsible for taking their own measurements and enlisting a contractor to complete the work.


Full Service Designer:

Price varies according to the scope of the project 

Typically 20% of the renovation costs

*Please note there are discounts for clients who also buy the home from me

This includes start to finish white glove services. It begins with a virtual meeting to discuss what the project is, what your needs are and how I can most effectively help you to meet your goals. Additionally, there will be a project presentation meeting which includes reviewing a mood board, renderings and presenting items for a shopping list. I will work closely with your contractor to project manage and resolve issues as they present themselves. Weekly updates as to the projects progress will be made, and I will stage and do a reveal for you in the end. My aim is to give you a space you love, and remove as much of the stress from the process as possible.


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